The Object Plant is a OOA/OOD tool based on the OMT and UML notation. It can be used
to create Object Models, State Diagrams, Event Trace Diagrams, Use Case Diagrams
and finally it can generate C++ code skeletons.
The Object Plant folder contents:
- Object Plant README 1.5 this file
- Object Plant PowerPC version of the program
- 68k Object Plant 68k version of the program
- C++ Data Types text file with a subset of the standard C++ types
- template file for generation of C++ code skeletons
- C++Template.h template file for generation of C++ code skeletons
- template file for generation of Java code skeletons
- template file for generation of Java code skeletons
- HTML Class template template file for generation of class HTML
- HTML Interface template template file for generation of interface HTML
- Word 5.1 RTF template file for generation of documentation in
RTF format suitable for Word 5.1
- 1.5 User's manual the user's manual in pdf (Acrobat) format
- Example (Object Plant) an example document
- Example file 2 an example document
- Register program for creating register forms to be sent to Kagi
System 7.1 or later
68020 or better
3 Mb free RAM
To register use the Register program to create a register form which then shall be sent
to Kagi Shareware using mail, email or fax.
The price for a single license is 25 USD, there are also site and world licenses available for
500 USD resp. 2000 USD.
Email: (1 to 3 day processing time delay)
FAX: +1 510 652 6589 (4 to 8 day processing time delay)
Postal address: (4 to 8 day delay plus transit time to Kagi)
1442-A Walnut Street #392-MU
Berkeley, California, 94709-1405
Please note that Kagi automatically rejects any electronic payment that come includes
a address. Refer to
N.B. Kagi is a payment processing company and they are not the author/shipper of the
product. Any problems with receiving registration codes or any problems with the product itself shall be addressed to the author at or
Registration codes will be sent to you normally within a week after receive a
confirmation of your order from Kagi.
This software is provided "as-is". I take no responsiblity in any damage caused by the
software, use of the software or any of its outputs such as generated code. Use it at
your own risk.
Changes in 1.5 (19 April 1998)
• Added a dependency tool to create dependency lines between packages.
• Added generalizations in Use Case diagrams.
• Implemented copy of class parameters.
• New layout on dialogs.
• When creating a reference item, e.g. a class reference, the dialog window is
no longer used. Rather a simple popupmenu appears with a list of all classes
(or interfaces) when shift-clicking with the class- or interface-tool.
• Corrected some problems related to line drawing, for example when having
a state diagram self-referencing event and moving the state.
• Corrected some drawing bugs related to "navigable" arrows.
• Names of associations, aggregations, generalizations and suppliers are now displayed.
• DATESTAMP tag is now valid within the FILENAME tags.
• Output from TIMESTAMP tag wil now be in the format selected in the "Date & Time"
control panel.
• Changed the handling of the ATTRIBUTE tag. Now the END tag can be used to specify
the string following the last attribute.
• Corrected some line drawing bugs (in Use Case and State diagrams).
• And much more...
Known Bugs
• The main windows sometimes look "messy". Everything is not erased properly when
moving parts around.
• Illustrator has some problems parsing exported pictures (PICT format). All
textstrings are drawn in a white colour, hence they are invisible.
• Moving a set of relationsships and classes can sometimes leave some of the lines
• If you use code generation, you cannot use the ':' character in class names.
• Line drawing is not very good. When changing between different views lines are not
updated (adjusted) as expected.
• If the "Page Setup" or "Print Page" commands do not work, try selecting a printer in
the chooser.
• Snap to grid is only implemented in the Use Case diagram page.
• Packages cannot be copied.
• EPS output for free text may not be correct. I have no possibility to verify this.
• Using any other font than helvetica may produce strange output when exporting
EPS pictures.
Use the web-page to get new releases, report bugs etc.
Questions concerning the program can be sent directly to the author at or
This program should only travel in the complete folder.
Have fun,
Mikael Arctaedius
Stockholm, Sweden
Release History
Changes in 1.4.6 (5 February 1998)
• Made major speed improvements. Saving a large file that previously took 17
seconds to save is now done is 4 seconds.
Generating a .cc file for a large file that previously took 25 seconds to
generate is now generated in 1 second.
• Corrected a bug that caused a reference to the wrong class to be created when
creating a reference on a sub-page.
• Corrected a crash bug that occured during save of a document.
• When opening a file that has all the three main windows closed, the menu items
will now be correctly enabled and disabled.
• The "Hide page names" (in references) option is now stored in the preferences file.
• A document is now marked "dirty" when deleting an attribute, operation or
parameter in a dialog window.
• And much more...
Changes in 1.4.5 (24 December 1997)
• Replaced the Mercutio MDEF with the latest version.
• Added an RTF Word 5.1 template file.
• Added new code generation tags: {IFNORETURNTYPE}, {ELSE}, {/IF}
This is a start towards making object pascal code generation templates.
• Added new visibility option: none
• Added new code generation tags: {VIS_NONE}, {/VIS_NONE}
that can be used for package wide visibility used in Java.
• Added possibility to have different preferences for the edit dialogs
(e.g. class dialog window) and the diagram windows.
• Added print setup information to Object Plant documents. Any print setup information
is now stored in the document file.
• Fixed a bug that messed up State Diagram states' events and their action strings.
• Shift-tab can now be used to step backwards through textfields in dialog windows.
• And much more...
Changes in 1.4.4 (16 November 1997)
• Corrected a bug related to closing document with Event Trace diagrams.
The bug caused Object Plant to crash.
• Corrected a bug related to paste in class, interface and state dialog windows.
In the class and interface dialog windows it was impossible to copy-paste
an attribute or operation and in the state dialog window it was impossible to
copy-paste an event.
• Made it possible to create class references based on the content of the
clipboard. By copying a class and then paste it using option-command-V a
class reference will be created instead of a new class.
• Replaced the icon LDEF used in the preferences dialog.
• And much more...
Changes in 1.4.3 (31 October 1997)
• Added several new tags that can be used in the code generation templates: